Acacia honey is a very popular assortment of honey and sought for delicate flavor. Being a rich source of minerals can be used successfully by people with anemia. Having a small amount of pollen, compared to other honey varieties, it does not produce strong allergic reactions.
Crystallization is a natural process, in the case of acacia honey, this process being slower due to its high fructose content.
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It is obtained from the nectar of several field flowers and contains the active principles of several plants. It is richer in vitamins and mineral salts than monoflorous honey. It tastes intense, very sweet and fragrant.
Crystallization of honey is a natural process and does not affect the therapeutic qualities.
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One of the most popular honey varieties, rich in vitamins and amino acids. It has calming qualities and is used in nervous system and insomnia as a sedative, good antiseptic, used to treat colds, influenza, cough and bronchitis.
Crystallization of honey is a natural process and does not affect the therapeutic qualities.
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This is the first honey extracted in the bee year. It is a honey that distinguishes itself from other honey assortments by taste and texture. Absorption in glucose therefore crystallizes very quickly. Rape honey helps to regenerate and maintain the elasticity of the vascular walls and to lower the level of bad cholesterol. It is also used for liver diseases and home beauty masks.
Crystallization of honey is a natural process and does not affect the therapeutic qualities.
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It has a strong aroma and high glucose content, which means it crystallizes quickly. It's the only type of honey that contains pure lecithin. It has an aphrodisiac effect and is the most energizing honey, stimulating blood circulation. It has tonic, antibacterial and antibiotic properties.
Crystallization of honey is a natural process and does not affect the therapeutic qualities.
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It is collected by bees from all the flowers existing in the forest or near the forest, but it also contains the honeydew. Minerals are found in larger quantities than in other honey varieties. It tastes good, sweet. It is used to strengthen the body, treat severe anemias and for good tonus.
Crystallization of honey is a natural process and does not affect the therapeutic qualities.
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Honeycombs contains superior properties, with a high intake of vitamins, especially vitamin A and retinol. Other advantages of honey consumption in honeycombs are wax and propolis that come into its composition. The alternative medicine recommend the use of honeycombs in treating respiratory diseases, tooth cleansing and gum recovery, metabolism regulation and immunity enhancement.
Crystallization is a natural process, in the case of acacia honey, this process being slower due to its high fructose content.
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It is obtained from the picking of bees from fruit trees and spring flowers. It is fragrant and crystallizes relatively quickly. The most popular honey properties are: antiseptic, soothing, diuretic and laxative.
Crystallization of honey is a natural process and does not affect the therapeutic qualities.
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It is the only natural honey in our country that is not produced from bees in flower nectar. It can be of plant origin when the bees collect the sap directly from the surface of the young leaves or leaves, or it can be of animal origin, when some small insects from the aphid family are inserted. It has a specific, slightly caramelized taste with a high viscosity. It contains organic acids, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, group B vitamins, a lot of inhibin (bactericide) and enzymes. It is recommended to those who are allergic to pollen.
Crystallization is a natural process and does not affect the therapeutic qualities.
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It is a honey produced by bees from the wild raspberries. It has a discreet aroma of raspberry, fresh scent. It has beneficial effects on regulating ovarian activity, osteoporosis, skin rejuvenation and other cosmetic treatments.
Crystallization is a natural process and does not affect the therapeutic qualities.
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